04 February 2004


okay, too many updates today. am really leaving now!

super excited, which surprises me, but i am. woooooo!

the last time i really was in london i was 19 - 19? wow. long time ago. i met my penpal there, which was just a bizarro experience. eggsaucted and saucy99 will remember this. (and YES, i need to start doing links. i don't have the energy right now). PLUS there was a tubestrike.

YAY london! YAY cambridge! YAY taking pictures!

its a shame that i wont be able to make it to see my bezerkeley friend michl, though. ;( then again, her boyfriend is moving in with her this weekend, which is cause to celebrate!

be good, boys and girls! london, watch out, here i come! (AND YES I WILL SAY HI TO THE QUEEN!)

dandlioneyes at 5:16 pm

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