09 February 2004

hard day

somehow a hard day.

getting back to things. slowly. or not at all. procrastinating - ah yes, groceries - ah yes, a newly begun diet because dagnammit i don't exercize and germany has bread bread bread abd 200% fat cheese, etc.. and i hate diets. and i suck at them. i lost weight for the wedding. and gained it all back... and then some.

thesis woes are woes once more: total stress. which, in turn, makes me want to eat. vicious cycle.

in some ways, it doesn't matter to me how i look. and in others, it matters so much. not that i am superficial or whatnot. just. well. i want my clothes to fit me.

i threw a tempertantrum after dinner and fell apart. like one of the panic-attacks i used to get in my undergrad years. hyperventilating and all. *not* too fun....

i think i'm calming down now, though.

dandlioneyes at 9:55 pm

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