03 March 2004

sleep and feet

we sleep in shifts these nights, my husband and i. he's working on a paper that is due, ergo he is so swamped he works when he is most productive, at night, and he' sup until 4, 5 or 6 am (last night). when he comes to bed, i wake up, have a hard time falling back to sleep, and therefore get up. meaning i'm now groggy and tired and a little bit on the grumpy side. because of the tiredness. so he's now sleeping, i'm awake. we'll have a few hours of overlap, and then i'll go to bed, and he'll keep working... and so on and so forth. only around conference paper time, though....


on my plate: going to the foot-doctor (here, an orthopaedics specialist) today. let me see if i can get out of wearing tennis shoes and back into something cuter.... ah, slave of fashion am i, which is SO not true. i'm all about comfort. but people dress up a little bit more here, so i've given up jeans. and wear slightly cuter italian shoes which, though sans heel ( i can't do heels), are still probably not the best for foot health.

not much else. private entry is about to be written though....

later gaters!

dandlioneyes at 8:06 am

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