04 March 2004

holistic medicine

had my first experience with alternative medicine today. ever since going off the pill (and with all the stress this fall, ALL the stress, moving to germany, family stress, dissertation woes, lack of light here in germany woes), my skin has been getting increasingly worse. i mean, a pimple every now and then, sure. but several, repeatedly, that don't clear up, that are painful and in no way small. that just hurts. physically and emotionally. so i went to a dermatologist. who does holistic medicine. and we had a two hour session. TWO HOURS. *TWO HOURS*! amazing, a doctor took that much time with me. it ended up being more about my sources of stress and what i do with that stress, my reactions to it. and then we took some blood (i hate that), and next week we'll come up with treatment plans. so i'm happy. i did want a magic wand to clear up my skin. but a treatment plan next tuesday is a start, and i'm happy about it.

tomorrow, off to a funeral in hamburg. i'll write more sunday. later gaters.

dandlioneyes at 7:03 pm

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