10 March 2004

sleep and dreams

goooooood morning d-land and g�ttingen!

lovely day out.

i'm not usually this chipper. i'm not really this chipper today, but i woke up feeling very calm (albeit sleepy). i slept so deeply, and dreamt about the tv-show angel (vamps were not the problem, blood-sucking spiders were), i don't know, i'm doing ok this morning.... maybe it is all about sleeping in the long-john's and staying warm and cozy? who knows. or all the water i drank yesterday, no caffeine? i don't know. anyways, i slept well. long story short. me=good sleep.

that said, the day must be faced, i need to shower, get going, and all that jazz. i will write when i have something interesting to say. be good, boys and girls!

more about the dream: it also involved a competition, a sort of frat-hazing sort of thing, where one had to cook a meal and test one's nerves of steel b y keeping it on the burner when it was OBVIOUSLY time for it to be taken off the burner. then the frat people would see how nervous you were. if you were cool as a cucumber they would let you turn of your omelette, and you could leave the stage. 6 months later, angel and i were still on the stage, waiting. we did not have those nervese of steel to let our food burn. for a while, angel was also married to the 2nd wife of the guy i'm researching for my dissertation. she had aged, he had not. it was very odd. i don't get it, ah well. later gaters!

dandlioneyes at 9:03 am

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