12 March 2004


friday night and i'm home. this is what it has been like for a while now. blurred distinctions or lack thereof between weekday and weekend, because, regardless, i set the alarm clock. i snooze it. but even on a saturday, i set the alarm. i try and work on the weekends. i can go out on the weekdays. it doesn't really matter. and i wish i had more structure.


i love postcards. particularly "artsy" ones, whatever that means, not just postcards of a town. if they are of a town, i prefer to have them with little white borders around. picky, i know. but i love postcards. rectangles of short news. rectangles meaning "hey, i thought of you" or "hey, i knew you would like this, this is so you". i have bought a fair number of postcards the past six months, and a few of them, i hope to frame when i get home. i want my office, my future office -- space of productivity -- to be colorful. with postcards, framed, surrounding me.


my "man" - the guy i am researching - had supernatural experiences. and wrote about them in a fiction/scholarly sort of mish-mash which i love. he experimented with recipes from the 16th century. smeared this stuff all over his body because witches supposedly used to do that to fly. and i love that about him. i wonder what he was really like? i am creating an image of him, and i am not sure if my image matches who he really was. fragments and paper allows me to create him. he created those papers. that is our connection.


later gaters, have a great weekend!

dandlioneyes at 9:33 pm

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