13 March 2004

pms, weather, dreams and angel

saturday and the sky is so heavy i think it might pour. couple that with a pms-headache, and i'm not doing so well. a low pressure system does a whack-job on my head and body, as does pms. and today, the dynamic duo: weather and pms. ok, i have now repeated that 3 times, three times is a charm, i'm just not feeling good, ok?


went to the Markt. got olives, and marinated tofu, and tilapia filet for dinner, and brie. had fresh baguette with brie and tomatoes (baked) for lunch, and are, food-wise, happy campers.


otherwise, just strange dreams again. my friend from kindergarten was visiting, and she needed to get back to the town where we both went to kindergarten, where she grew up. we looked at train schedules and looked at train schedules, and the town biefeld (which is not its real name, but damn close) showed up, but not the real name of the town. no train went there. it was strangely stressful. not sure what that one means.


and, alas, one more update and announcement: boxed sets do come to an end, and ours has. goodbye angel, we've now watched 1 whole season in 3 weeks and that's just insane. but hey, we did it, and now feel lost and empty inside. ok, fine. no. but damnit, good tv is just good tv.

later gaters!

dandlioneyes at 2:02 pm

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