16 March 2004

copper and blond

well, today i am a brand new person.

***rewind let me try that again***

person new brand a am i today, well.

today i had a haircut. in honor of spring. and my upcoming 2 week trip with 19 other people. i needed to look snazzier. i needed color. i shed two months of hair growth, back to ear length and my curls are back (bounce bounce), and have brand spankin' new highlights: blond and copper, and boy does the copper ever look read. my head feels lighter and my hair looks lighter (and oh, it sparkles), and i can't believe i'm this gushy about a haircut.

yes, sunday we leave for dresden, then 2 weeks of traveling around. dresden munich freiburg karlsruhe and bruxelles, and i'm nervous as hell for no apparent reason. ok, we had bad group dynamics in the fall. really bad group dynamics. and it is exhausting. and my sweetie goes back to the us. all of those things. but in some way, i should be happy, right? restaurants, getting dressed up, etc. etc. and my new copper-blond highlighted hair. hooo-haaa.

uhm, otherwise not so dreadfully much. the weather is gorgeous. i'm having bad dreams at night. but am doing ok. it is amazing to me how fast time is flying, before i know it, i'll be back in the bay area. that is really hard to imagine for me....

be good boys and girls, later gaters.

dandlioneyes at 6:24 pm

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