15 March 2004


it really was a lovely day. balmy weather, like 10 degrees celsius... a walk around the Wall (not wall, German word) of the city, strolling through the pedestrian zone and into a bookstore, ice-cream cones (i had cherry-yoghurt and mint-chip and my sweetie had heidelbeere and pistachio). and a luxurious breakfast at p-cafe, my fave cafe here in town... with lox and breads and cheeses and fruit and quark (thick dairy product that is oh so good) and it was delish. absolutely delish. what a nice day - weather, all these treats. i'm still anxious, though, and not sure why. the past two nights i haven't slept well (too hot - duh, open the window, silly), and have had bad dreams. *bleh*

but i'm going to bask in the joy that was walking outside in this weather!

later gaters!

dandlioneyes at 6:25 pm

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