20 March 2004


i am not, as it turns out, the ironing-queen.

not am i the ironing crown-princess. nor, as it turns out, am i the ironing lady-in-waiting, the ironing-page, the ironing knight-errand. nay nay, i am none of the above. (if you are horribly confused at this point, see previous entry).

i am, as it turns out, the ironing dunce. 100% dunce. this iron is strange, sometimes it spits out water, sometimes the water is brown. i can't help that. but god help me, one would think i would have, i dunno, put something OVER my shirts to avoid that problem. but no. and *spit* out comes the dirty brown water. then i burned a fabric (melted is more like it) that wasn't quite cotton and the iron was too hot. it was a MESS.

packing now.

later gaters.

dandlioneyes at 8:51 pm

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