20 March 2004


ironing queen, that's my name for the day. except i haven't started yet. maybe i'm the ironing crown-princess, and just waiting to fit the role? except that i hate ironing. do you think queens hate ironing? or, rather, do you think queens hate being royalty? queen e. of the uk obvious loves it, and qho can blame her: gorgeous jewels she has! but ya know, i'm not so sure it would be my thing.

ironing crown-princess is my name for the day, because tomorrow, gentle diarylanders, i leave you for 2 weeks to explore germany with 19 other bright-eyed and bushy-tailed americans and russians. and we have to look snazzy. i'm not usually so snazzy, more the casual comfort-lady, but i can do myself up alright, wear more make-up, and act the role that, as ironing-crown princess, i am called to act. so there. i'll look good and take pictures to prove it. ;)

still need to buy nylons though for the role. and those i hate. and we're going to be getting colder weather (again!), gag, after the lovely ice-cream-eating joyousness, and that means i can't go sans nylons.

otherwise, i'm still anxious, for a variety of unknown reasons. i've just taken to saying, when someone asks me how i am, anxious. maybe i should answer instead to the question of how i am: how i am? why, thank you, as the ironing crown-princess, i am actually doing quite well, thank you. now what gift-of-state did you bring me today? *disarmingly charming smile*

yes, it is saturday, and i'm in a weird mood.

dandlioneyes at 2:07 pm

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