07 April 2004


ok. 11 am. i need to head to the library. and pick up tickets - well, ONE ticket - for my play on saturday night. woo! student tickets are as cheap as movie tickets, so what they heck, i might as well go to the theatre instead. going alone is a bit odd, but only because i can't discuss it with someone afterwords. still.

i need to pull together a conference proposal and am completely and totally and utterly at a loss what to do. very odd. usually, i have ideas and no data. this year, with floods of data, i'm at a loss for ideas. in some ways, i'm just so happy i HAVE data, that all i want to do is say: look, people, DATA! let me read this out loud to you. should be interesting, right??? wrong. *ugh* frustrating.

off i go!

dandlioneyes at 11:01 am

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