07 April 2004

homeopathy etc.

previous entry. i think. i can't remember.

so we had more of the same rain today, the rain that beats down all the pretty little daffodils and crocuses. and it is COLD. if the rain won't get the flowers, then the frost might. i was hoping for spring, but no. actually, i was hoping for summer, but that certainly is too much to ask for.

[medical update, feel free to ignore]

so i'm taking this bizarre herbal remedy cure-all. still because of my skin, which, though a bit clearer, is still frustratingly teenage-ish. hello, i'm 26 going on 27! what the %&*# is up with this? i went to a homeopathic doctor (homeopathy is big here in germany, and insurance covers it, so why not try it), and besides a color test, we're trying this. it is basically made from sour milk and sugar-cane molasses, plus 10,000 herbs (parsely sage rosemary and thyme, i kid you not, as well as basil etc. etc.). idea is: fix your intestines, give them tons of good bacteria and get rid of the bad bacteria, and if you do that, you can absorb more good nutrients. idea behind that is: lots of problems, including bad skin, are caused by malabsorption of nutrients. basically, your intestines (which have a surface area of 50 square meters) take in all the good stuff and get rid of the bad. if they are not absorbing and processing correctly, the bad stuff (oils etc) have to be dealt with in a different way, e.g., bad skin. or so i understand it. oversimplified. regardless. i have 1 month to finish a 1 liter bottle. the first time i tried this stuff i nearly gagged. sour milk, anyone? *gag* but seriously, now i'm liking it. it tastes a bit like v-8 juice (with all those herbs, of course), and is sour and tingly when i drink it, and it feels amazingly healthy.

anyways, that that on my health front, and i'm now going to do some serious cleaning, place is a MESS.

dandlioneyes at 6:24 pm

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