16 April 2004

Q+A answers, part I

Q and A answers, part I.

from bobbi:

"Ohh thanks for leaving me questions. I am going to do the same for you. :) What do you think your parents did wrong as far as in raising you? Could they have done something a lil different that would have made you turn out any better, in your opinion? What is the earliest childhood memory you can remember? If you could be any animal what would it be and why?"

What my parents did wrong raising me? Generally, they were actually very good. I do think that in many ways they were too overprotective, which made me in turn develop somewhat slowly socially. I always felt guilty going out (though my parents would have been thrilled if I had had more of a social life), and all of that left a very nasty taste on my tongue. That, combined with the incessant moving around.... 22 apartments/houses in 26 years (though the last 7 years the moves have been my doing, and that accounts for about 10 of them).... So, what could they have done? Be a little less protective, I suppose, but on the other hand, it was always nice knowing someone cared and was watching out for me.

Earliest childhood memory? My daycare center. Which I was in from age 2 to age 3. I remember playing in the little playhouse, and especially lying down on the cots for a nap in the afternoon.

Animal: that's hard. I'm a cat-lover, and imagine the life of a country-cat that can be both indoors and out to be amazing - warm naps on the couch in the sun, climbing trees, chasing things, eating grass. On the other hand, any animal with that degree of freedom is so appealing - and flying must be amazing. But I'll stick with the feline, and say cat, be it domestic or wild, large or small.

from eggsaucted:

If you could, would you move back to Hyde Park and thus be near myself & Saucy99 again? Who is the cutest baby you've ever seen? What would have done differently to make High School a better experience?

I would definitely move back to Chicago. I got over the fact that, while I lived there, I hated it - but only because of the crappy high school experience, which I'll get to in a second. Hyde Park, on the other hand, probably not. I like a lot of things about it - the bookstores, things like Piccolo Mondo, even Regenstein, but the crime is an issue and I have way to many bad memories.

Cutest baby? That's a trick question! Cutest baby in Chicago, nay, Illinois, nay, Midwest, is definitely the Princess!

High School? Better? Well, for one, I could list a whole bunch of people who needed a good kick in the ass. Or, rather, who needed to be expelled. Better experience? DIFFERENT PEOPLE. If we could have been one grade up or down it would already have been a LOT better. I would have, in retrospect, joined the swim team or something like that, to have some extracurricular activities. But, all in all, the people in our grade were just plain awful. If I could have gotten rid of, say, 20 or so (and we all know who those were), it would have been a LOT better for me.

dandlioneyes at 5:11 pm

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