16 April 2004

Q+A, part II

from harri3tspy:

What is your favorite book and why? What was the best day in your life that you can remember and why? If you could have chosen your own first name, what would you have picked for yourself?

my favorite book... that is one of the hardest questions anyone could ask. i am an avid reader, or, i WAS before grad school. i find reading to be a luxury now - meaning non-academic reading. favorite book has fluctuated over the years, depending on where i was in my life. as a young teenager madeleine l'engle was my mainstay, especially a ring of endless light. sci-fi fantasy type things. now, i lean towards postmodern writing which deal with the vagueries of life, works my banana yoshimoto and haruki murakami and orhan pamuk and jhumpa lahiri. but favorite? i don't think i have an answer to that. a book which gives me strength, makes me feel.

best day of my life: there are a handful of those, as with the books. the day my sweetie and i told each other we loved each other. the day we got engaged. the day we got married. why? because of the overwhelming sense of joy and security, the feeling that all was right with the world and that i would be ok.

name, what's in a name: i am happy with my name, which some of you know, though it gets mispronounced in english. i like names that start with the letter M, like Maya, or with A, very simple like Anna or Anneli (a finnish name). but i can't imagine myself with any other name. maya would be nice. but the way that is pronounced in turkish (my hubby is turkish) means yeast, so, ultimately, i'm happy with the name i have!

from elgan: Why do you keep a public diary? What is necessary for a diary to get on your favourites list? Why is my diary on your favourites list?

you know, i didn't see the diary as a public thing for QUITE a while. i wrote online because it meant typing, and it was neat and organized. i love blank diary books (paper), but never got more than a few pages written (though i do have 2 years of *cringe* highschool recorded on paper....) so the ease of writing online was what prompted and sent me to dland. then, when i told some friends about it and they started reading, i was just pleased as punch because it a) still meant my being able to write with the ease of online-ness, with the added bonus of b) people (friends) knowing how i was doing. so it helped me to keep writing, knowing people would (perhaps) miss me if i didn't write.

favorites? some are friends, and we have the personal connection. some are grad students, meaning we have the grad student connection. some are just hilarious, which is the entertainment factor. and some have life stories which make me reflect on myself and either say: i want that, or, on the contrary, i am so amazingly lucky. role-models, one way or the other.

you? a mixture. grad student. a mother (which i want to be in the near future, too, and as a grad student and a mom you are a role-model). and i like your honesty.

night folks, 10 pm here, am TIRED!

dandlioneyes at 9:51 pm

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