26 April 2004

music and all that jazz

monday night, and i'm still listening to music and happy as a clam about music and being able to listen on my little happy laptop. right now, francis cabrel. what is it today with french songs? brel, cabrel - oh god, look at that. both have "brel" in their name. that's a little bit eerie. spookie.

i am trying to write, and that is still proving to be somewhat, very, nay, impossibly difficult. why? why why why why why? i want to stomp my feet and be irresponsible and say screw it. heck, i'd even clean the kitchen not to have to work.

i punched holes today. it costs 15-25 cent (european cent) per copy when i order something to be copied from the archive. and when i pick them up, i pay, and stash the thick reams of paper onto my bookshelf. where i lose track of them. so today i punched holes for 2 hours, until my wrists hurt. then i put them into binders, all those pages. i now have 2 shelves worth of full binders, full of research. which makes me happy and pleased.

alright, i have no embarassing stories, no debacles to share, and my first kiss or any other kisses shall not be divulged. how does that go? don't kiss and tell!? anywho. so this may ultimately not be so interesting, but who cares. from cabrel we've now moved onto tom waits. what a shift. a sign, perhaps, to log out and go to bed....

later gaters!

dandlioneyes at 9:49 pm

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