28 April 2004

fine, so i'm in a "mood" right now....

[previous entry this morning]

i am so damn irritable. damn that pms, damn damn damn! seriously, my mood is just doing loop-de-loos. i ran a dozen errands this morning, including the purchase of much needed toiletpaper (yes, we were down to kleenex, you have ALL been there), presents for mothers day, etc. etc. and came home and made a kick-ass raspberry vinaigrette salad with gorgonzola cheese. i made the vinaigrette. it was super good, and, ultimately, i'm still in a bad mood, because i wanted 1000 thank-yous for the amazing salad i made and salads i have been making (yesterday: orange mustard dressing with slices of oranges on the salad). not that 1000 thank-yous are necessary, but somehow, today, i'm in that sort of mood.

plus, the pants i am wearing are a little too low-rise for me afterall, making the day a tug-a-war with the pants so that my ratty old underwear does not see the light of day....

later gaters, from a grumpy ~moi.

dandlioneyes at 1:12 pm

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