28 April 2004

dream dream dream dream

morning for me, and i'm still groggy. whenever the hubby comes, we stay up later (watching recorded episodes of certain tv shows, etc.), and in the mornings, my body just doesn't want to get up. i think part of that is the comfort that comes from him being here; being able to completely and totally relax and feel safe. the alarm rings and - bingo - i'm even more tired than i was when i went to bed! or so it feels. plus, the snooze isn't working on the alarm any more, which is just bad.news.all.together.

so i had funky dreams last night. bear with me here. i have a recurring dream (see also saucy99, who has a recurring dream), also an anxiety dream, about going in for a math final in high school and realizing: oh crap, i haven't gone to class my entire senior year, didn't do one assignment, and even if i ace the exam, which i won't, i'll still get an F for the class. last night i had a variation on that. i was on a trip here in germany and decide to call the math department of my highschool. just happened to have the number memorized. i call, and i totally forget why i am calling, but have mr. g on the phone, who both saucy99 and eggsaucted know and remember. at the very least from geometry, poor mr. g. anyways, he's on the phone, i tell him how i am doing, etc., living in germany and married, and then i asked him if i failed any of his classes. nope! thank goodness. but then he passes me on to my calculus BC teacher, who was also my advisory (homeroom) teacher, she who read outloud from the wallstreet journal to us. yes, it was NOT a joy. at all. so i talk to her, and we make smalltalk, and then i hang up, promising i'd visit the school soon with both saucy99 and eggsaucted. yes, you two, she knows you are coming to visit! but then, in my dream, i completely panicked, because i hadn't asked her if i had passed my math course. meaning i still had the "oh my god is all the rest of my work that i have done since then jeapardized, since it rests on my high school work?" feeling...

anyways, long entry about a dream. off to work!

dandlioneyes at 9:17 am

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