27 April 2004

health woes

i have a massive list of health aches and complaints that i would like to share. skip if you really couldn't care less about my health (heartless bastards!):

a) my left foot. has a bad heel issue. which is gone. and now it is the bone of my big toe. it hurts to wear any type of shoes. maybe i'll have to go barefoot. *sigh*. no really, it hurts so much. going to a podiatrist about it. just need to get that appointment...

b) pms.pms.pms.pms.pms.pms.pms.pms. enough said. the "going off of the pill" thing has been nothing but a pain in the ass. i'm happy i did it. but it wreaked havoc on my skin, cramps returned, and it is anywhere between 5-8 weeks between periods. well, it started with 8 weeks between periods and is now to 5 weeks. but still. unpredictable and therefore a pain. i hope it gets a bit more regular.

c) that may actually be it. meaning i don't need the letter "c)". strike that from the records.

going to bed now. after i have me this here hot chocolate. for the pms. and for my soul! hot chocolate for the dissertation-researching soul. i'll write a book. night all.

dandlioneyes at 11:46 pm

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