05 May 2004

nervous about the talk? you betcha!

should i be nervous about this talk i'm giving in *german* in june, infront of a large colloquium audience? put that way, YES, indeed, i should be panicked. but i have had the strangest of experiences this year. i'm doing primary research for the first time, and almost everything gets me, if not directly excited, then certainly gets me in a good mood. as in: look, cool! or wow! or as in: ha ha ha, good old p. that's typical of him. i like the data. that isn't the problem. the problem i'm having is putting it into ANY sort of analytical framework. i've mentioned this before. i just want to show people what i have, then leave it at that, not worry or care about it in any other way. *gulp* the thinking, the analysis, the putting together of ideas, that is giving me an amazingly hard time. and will they be critical? will they have questions? will i just sit there like a dummy? bleh, i haven't given a talk in a long time....

ok, more later. the clock struck high noon meaning i can make myself my salad. woohoo! this time with sundried tomatoes and mozarella!

dandlioneyes at 12:01 pm

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