19 May 2004

here's to a good wednesday

alrighty, i'm out of here in about 20 minutes, off to the archives, and then, this afternoon, a PRODUCTIVE afternoon because i told my advisor i'd send her something of a draft tonight or tomorrow morning. so that's a bit of pressure right there, but in a good way.

still listening to great big sea. and that still is making me very very happy.

there was something else i was going to mention. besides the fact that the nyt has an article about german spargelzeit (asparagus-time), which made me crack up. besides the fact that i'm not so sure about my facial right now, because one or two of the areas where they did "extractions" are red. besides the fact that i had a lovely coffee this morning sitting in my fuzzy bathrobe. really. i had something else to say. no matter.

later gaters! here's to a good wednesday! and a special note to my friend who sees the clocktower from her living room window: it is all about painting your toe-nails and seizing the day, and, if possible, listening to good music!

dandlioneyes at 9:37 am

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