25 May 2004

california coming home

morning all around. i still have jetlag. but managed to stay up until midnight last night (got some cuddle time in with the hubby, *smiles*! that kept me awake!), and now i just got up. so obviously, the 6 am thing yesterday was just a fluke.

grey in the east bay, but went to walnut creek yesterday where i was spoiled by my mother in law who got me a sweater set in mint green from banana republic. i took her out to lunch. walnut creek was california as it ought to be, sunshine, not a cloud in the sky, and about 90 degrees. dry, not humid. poi-fekt! loved it.

today, who knows what i'll do. i've been scanning wedding pictures like crazy, and we need to get albums and order pictures....

later gaters, sorry for the fewer updates. but i'm writing! oh - and tomorrow we head up north to mendocino. and then a few days at my grandma's, who doesn't have internet. this may be my last update for a few days.

a happy dandelioneyes signing off from california!

dandlioneyes at 8:59 am

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