09 June 2004

early and cold

mmm mmm mmm. 6 hours of sleep. this time, i could have slept longer. but my hubby has a train to catch at 7:19, meaning: skeedaddle we must. *yawns*

and i was just getting over the jetlag a little bit....
let me ammend this by saying NOT ONLY was i up early, but the shower refused to put out hot water. as in yesterday morning. (and i never showered, by the way, which is unusual for me. usually i'm quite a princess in terms of needing a shower every morning...). so, no shower. my sweets is braving the icy waters, and i hear little gasps and yelps from the bathroom. i'm content to wait an hour or two... not a good combi. little sleep and no wake-up shower! *yaaaaawn* later gaters!

dandlioneyes at 6:06 am

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