08 June 2004

emergency care

well, what a fun day of health-related joys. yes, the birthmark appointment.

and then this sore-throat from hell. when i touched my throat, it hurt. on the outside. not to mention when i swallowed.

so, off i puttered tonight at 21:07 to the notdienst service place - emergency medical care center - and got my throat checked out. i have an akute seiten-strang angina. and am now on antibiotics. oh joy of joys, pills the size of - they are frickin' huge.

anyways, and the hubby has to take a 7 am train tomorrow to darmstadt, so we are getting up early. time for bed. later gaters. go back for 2 more entries if you missed 'em.

dandlioneyes at 10:32 pm

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