08 June 2004


[previous, albeit pathetic entry]

okay. so the morning started off early. i surfed the web, worked on my jetlag by drinking coffee and eating my lovely whole-grain bread. and all that jazz. then, i hopped into the shower. and got out after 1 minute, when i realized that all the hot water was gone. who knew that so many people showered at 7:00 am? couldn't shower with frigid water. so i went out this morning without a shower (gasp, my american sensibilities are bein tested here!)

had a dermatologist appointment, and she's happy about my progress on the oily-skin front. me too. i feel like a new person. we also tested all my moles and birthmarks for skin cancer, which i had never done before (note to everyone: WEAR SUNSCREEN EVERY DAY). two tiny little birthmarks (pencil point size) actually have irregular pigmentation, and we'll have them removed, and get them tested. kind of freaks me out, but she assured me she was almost 95% sure that they would not be malignant. just worth getting them under check. still freaks me out a bit.... so i bought a big bottle of sunscreen (a dermatologist approved gel) that i can use on skin and body, and i'll use that every day after my shower from now on. (note to everyone: WEAR SUNSCREEN EVERY DAY. ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVE EUROPEAN or SCANDINAVIAN pale skin like me - aka pink pink pink pink pink).

alrighty, folks, be good. more later. i need to shower. and put on sunscreen.

dandlioneyes at 10:51 am

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