25 June 2004

in which window shopping is discussed

overheard by a 50-something grandmother of 3 today:

"no! one doesn't do that! one does not go into a store when one does not intend to buy anything!"

uhm, hello, lady, have you never heard of the concept of window shopping? a girls best friend? where she can dream? are you denying your grandchildren the joy of ... oh wait. go into a store with kids. and then it begins. i want this. i want that. can you buy me this? can you buy me that? please, grandma, please! i've been there. not with the grandma bit, but i used to be that kid. and i have a plethora of cousins who have attempted this on me. and i'm a sucker. a sucker, i tell you, a sucker. right on, granny, window shopping isn't for kids! right on.

anyways, it was still bizarre.

on another note, since i'm all alone again (my mom returned to the US today), i decided i could girly-fy myself a bit. i bought a pumice stone. and a facial scrub. and nice lotion. and i will make a night of it! woohoo!

dandlioneyes at 8:48 pm

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