26 June 2004

murakami in bed

it is a weird and quiet morning for me. i was up at 7, as usual, and, also as usual, decided that was a tad early for me on a saturday. i read a bit, fell sound asleep, and woke up at 10. and then proceeded to read in bed for 2 hours, also enjoying a tall coffee and a roll with cream cheese. in bed. enjoyed it. it was lovely. it was quiet. it was cozy. i've now began the girlyfication routine with pumicing my feet, and i put this new lime-scented lotion on my now somewhat softer feet. not that it matters, because, you know, IT ISN'T SUMMER HERE. we've been by-passed.

the book, i read, incidentally, was kafka on the shore in german. it hasn't been translated yet into english, so i feel this sense of luck that i have been able to read it. it is bizare-ly murakami. in some ways, i liked it much more than his other books, in others, not at all. it discusses borderlands, limbo, and people crossing between the here and the there in search of each other. the review i linked in english, incidentally, makes a few mistakes, and i may have to post my own comment about it.... i suppose what i liked the most, in some ways, is how several seemingly unrelated people and stories ultimately come together, are woven together. i also like the fact that cats play a big role, cats as transcenders, cats as those who walk on the border, those we can talk to when we are close to the border.

i still want to write about my talk. and my ideas about different academic habituses. and i will. later.

dandlioneyes at 12:19 pm

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