26 June 2004


[earlier entry]

i have a postcard-tick. a "macke," as you say here in germany. i like them. i liked them as a kid. i want to frame a lot that i have bought this year. every window sill has one or two postcards on it, little bright colored rectangles either from friends and their adeventurous travels, or self-indulgent purchases to self-document my interests, my travels, etc. i like them. it is a strange thing, going through my messy bookshelves and realizing what clutter i have accumulated over 9 months here in g�ttingen. i am astonished: only 9 months? ONLY 9 months? thats all? then again: already 9 months. 9 whole, long, long months. crazy. that time is documented through my little postcard collection. i imagined them framed. in my future hallways, in my future guest bathroom. things like that. i don't want to be a little old lady with clutter, but i do want to frame a choice few of them.

dandlioneyes at 5:47 pm

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