27 June 2004

in which i ramble about being alone

i'm lonely. i had my quiet saturday (including a play last night, oedipus rex), and i am now sick of being alone. did i mention i am lonely?

therefore, i'm on a cleaning binge - not the usually scrubbing, more like spring cleaning, throwing away things, etc. i went through shelves, sorted, organized, and am now going to tackle my documents from the archives. but let me tell you. what i really want is someone to have coffee with me. it isn't like one can just go to a starbucks and sit by oneself here. nope, most of the places are sitdown-sitdown places, and i wouldn't feel too happy sitting alone. i guess i could. the ali baba crepe place might be ok, but i'm in the mood for chatting with someone, not for sitting by myself. guess who is feeling sorry for herself? that's right, ME! good guess.

okay, enough of that. i'll wash up, grab a book, and go out for an hour. maybe have a coffee.

alright. good plan.

dandlioneyes at 3:42 pm

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