29 June 2004


more people should eat fresh raspberries with quark. quark, for those of you who are not initiated to the line of german milk product, is a rich and heavy yoghurt-esque thing, but heavier and creamier. it can be sweetened or made savory (garlic and chives, yum). my dinner consisted of potatoes and zucchini and feta cheese sauteed together, with liberal scoops of savory quark ontop, and my dessert - well, that would be quark with fruit in it. OH.SO.GOOD. food makes my world go round. hell, food makes THE world go round. trust me. take my word for it. i know.

uhm yeah. that was my rant on food.

my wounds are better, but the one on my leg is bruised and looks blue. the one on my back i can't see. i tried, but ended up running around in circles (not really). it really isn't that bad, but i am just glad i get to shower tomorrow. really. i believe in frequent showering, mostly because it makes me feel good. yes, cleanliness too, but showering every other day doesn't mean you aren't clean. i do it to wake up in the mornings, to feel refreshed. etc. etc.

i can't seem to write or say anything of interest today. just carry on with your work or whatever you are doing. and leave me alone!

later gaters!


dandlioneyes at 7:04 pm

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