30 June 2004


another day another chance to get work done.

grey outside, and probably freezing. such has been the german summer. a mild winter equals a mild summer, but since summer temperatures (except crazy summer last year) tend to be cool, a mild summer equals a godawfullycoldsummer.

i slept like crap. the past few nights have been bad. i've had wild and wonky dreams, and i wake up at 7 at the crack of dawn when my bakery neighbors are up and already selling bread singing along to loud, taped music (i swear it is the same music every morning). and i couldn't fall asleep until about 1, so i'm a grump. i need my rest. i need my beauty rest.

and, ****drumroll**** the best part of the day: I NOW GET TO SHOWER!

dandlioneyes at 9:51 am

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