02 July 2004

haircut, theatre, and meeting schroederlein

i like my hairdresser. VERY much. he does an amazing job, and each time i go there i feel like i am given a fresh start. dorky but true. and he thinks i have "fascinatingly pretty curls". whats not to like??????

it is friday, and again i didn't sleep. because of greece's win against the czech republic there was much yelling and honking until ungodly hours of the night, which i have some understanding for but not when i am tired. i've become so uptight about my peace and quiet... and again, up at 6:30. i so don't get it. i mean, i really don't. nothing is waking me up, i don't have to pee at 6:30 am, nor was the music playing this morning, and i had put a towel over my eyes to make the room darker. bingbingbing 6:30 and i was wide awake. that's just - WRONG.

today is friday, and i head tomorrow to berlin for the final meeting of my fellowship providers. its the "wear a suit festival" and meet the german chancellor. therefore the haircut. i also got the suit dry-cleaned. i figured if i am to meet gerhard (we have 15 minutes as a group of 20 to meet him), i might as well have a clean suit and a fresh haircut.

and since i am allowed to shower again (funny, after that one day of not showering, every time i shower i smile and grin and feel incredibly lucky), i think i'll do just great. photo-op. if they use a flash camera i'm screwed, then my eyes will be closed.

the play last night was nothing short of amazing. it is neat how i have come to know the actors and actresses - i feel like i know them, would greet them on the street, and course they would have no clue in the world who i was. there is a young woman who always gets the comic roles which she masters with perfection, and then my slovakian friend and i really like this other actor who is probably in his mid-thirties. if he were a dog he'd be a beagle. the woman i mentioned would be a primmed poodle. but the beagle is great. he played oedipus rex, and last night, in ivanov (by tschechow, however you spell that in english, since my english spelling has become funk-t-fied), he was what amounted to a rich brat who lost all of his money in poker. but there is something about both of these individual which makes you pay attention to them. in any case, it was amazing. they managed to make a heavy emotional play heavy and emotional, with moments of biting comedy that worked to release tension. the set was simple, covered in foam white balls which served from shots of vodka (filled with water), to clowns noses, to tennis balls, to wealth (and rolling in it). it was amazing.

dandlioneyes at 11:28 am

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