10 July 2004

recapping berlin. as if that is possible.

i feel as if i haven't written in ages. which, if an "age" means since july 3rd (2nd?), that's true. i mean sure, the little diddly entries when i got home, but one-liners hardly count.

i'm in a bit of a loss what to do, in terms of work, my weekend, and in terms of writing. it is 6 pm, i napped all afternoon (don't even get me started on the lack of sleep i've had recently!), and it is now, finally, sunny, but still only 55 degrees fahrenheit. one hell-of-a-cold summer!

maybe i need to do a list? of what i've done? no, i don't think i even want to do that. how about more of the same, streams of consciousness?! okay. agreed.

berlin was lovely lovely lovely. the abschlusstreffen of the fellowship group had an amazing dynamic: we were all kind and generous and enjoyed being together and got lots of free booze and food and were all around little happy campers. i enjoyed being with my friends, enjoyed the "premiere" VIP status we have enjoyed for a whole year.... i spoke up at meetings. i was charming. i wore a suit. i looked cute as anything. and i am humble, too! no, seriously. it was a good meeting. i feel like some good contacts were made, and we were treated royally. and get this! two of the americans get to go to moskau (moscow) in april. i'd LOVE to go. pick me, ooh, pick me! we'll see if it happens.

some berlin highlights: the russian embassy served good cookies and we were informed that the soil on which the embassy was built really was shipped over from russia (think dracula), so i actually stood on russian soil. the US embassy was a fortress, but the conversation surprisingly upfront and honest. the picture of george w. and dick when we walked in, however, was a bit too much for me. but it was good to hear - and this is something totally obvious, but still good to hear - that embassadors and diplomats in general represent their government. if there is a regime change (please), they get a new protocoll, and voila, they say something different.... i thought that was fascinating. the german chancellor? rude to us, obviously not interested, didn't even bother to speak german, and we had our photo-op and that was it. whatever, buddy.

then i had my good friend michelle visit me in goettingen, which was a lot of fun. we rehashed a ton of old college memories and were lying on the floor in stitches about some of them. she's done so amazingly well: phd in the UK, met a great guy, and has her act together. it was nice to see that, and to see her

and here i am, back in goettingen, a little anxious about what to do now.... i'll figure it out, though! more later. gaters! missed ya!

dandlioneyes at 5:57 pm

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