11 July 2004


my god am i in a funk. it is now past noon, and i have done nothing. my sweetie and i talked for 3 hours on the phone, and both of us were anxiety-ridden. not very fun, though it was good to talk that long. we need that every now and then, given this distance (5,600 some miles).... ugh.

so i am nervous. and i don't know what about.

last night i went to a movie by myself for the first time, and i enjoyed myself. it helped that i really liked the movie (big fish). i thought it was really lovely and creative, very tim-burton-esque. talented man.

yeah. i need to get showered and then get to work. work. hmm. yes. that's the source of the stress. i feel like the work is getting the better of me, the beast controlling me as opposed to vice versa. like i'm on a rollercoaster without knowing where i am going, without tracks. what a lousy metaphor, but you get the point.

but there is some sun in the sky, and i excercized, and i have yummy food at home, so i should be able to make the best of today still...

later gaters!

dandlioneyes at 12:18 pm

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