17 July 2004

en attendant - not godot, but a good phonecall

i am sick of having lousy phonecalls with my hubby. it has been back and forth with why the calls have been lousy, but always because someone else was in the room. we both are lousy at talking when we don't have privacy. so either at his office, or when my mom was here, when i was in berlin, and now my dad is here, and he is visiting his brother in chicago. its been so stupid. all we need is an hour of good talking time. i think once - when was it, maybe before berlin - we talked for 3 hours one morning and it is exactly what we needed. anyways. thats my rant. i haven't been updating because i don't feel like there is much to say. i'm a bit under the weather. we head to eisenach tomorrow to the wartburg, where martin luther translated the bible. so that should be fascinating. anywho, that's my story and i'm sticking to it. later gaters.

dandlioneyes at 10:53 pm

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