23 July 2004


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so recently everything has seemed overwhelming to me, from the little things (how i will get my laundry done before going to turkey) to the big things (how will i ever get a job ever). and the spectrum of things that overwhelm me is wide, and what ends up happening is that everything piles up on top of each other and i decide to worry about everything at once. i don't think that is the way to do it. at all. try telling that to my nerves.

yesterday i had the feeling of getting lost: getting lost with my work. getting lost in terms of identity. getting lost. what happens when we have a baby, what happens to us and our lives? how do i deal with two religions (one of which is passively lived, the other which is more actively lived)? how do i deal with three languages? how do i deal with jobs and compromising my own career in light of my husbands, and vice versa?

that said, the weather is finally summer which adds a level of goodness to my days. it is warm, i can wear a t-shirt, life moves slower and more ice-cream is eaten. as long as more ice-cream is eaten, things are pretty good....

later gaters!

been listening to aimee mann's lost in space CD which is excellent, by the way.

dandlioneyes at 4:16 pm

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