24 July 2004

trip preparations

the day is hot as anything and i've done laundry and run around like a chicken without a head trying to get stuff done before the trip tomorrow. food for lunch tomorrow (we'll picnic at the airport!), etc. etc. etc. etc. my sweetie is leaving now; i'll meet him in like 16 hours. poor guy has a layover in new york for 4 hours, not to mention that he got to SFO way early because his dad had an early morning flight.

anyways, so errands are done, presents bought, and packing is looming in the near future. i hate packing. i always, always, always overpack. but this time i'll be cute. last time we went to the beach house on the aegean i was told that people are very casual at the beach. causual my ass! i felt so underdressed.... anywho, i guess what it boils down to is that i'll wear skirts instead of shorts, and that i have more than one swimsuit/bikini with me. how superficial was that little paragraph??

anyways, so yes. i need to pack. i need to do dishes. plants need to be watered. books need to be chosen for my reading enjoyment. i'm also bringing along various fellowship applications to work on - more to soothe my own mind, because we all know i'll get squat done on them. but you know, having them is a start. a very good first step. and better printouts than two heavy academic books, right? i'm learning, slowly but surely!

later gaters!

dandlioneyes at 3:34 pm

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