05 August 2004

head-lolling 101

so with 30 degree and higher temperatures OUTSIDE, you can imagine what a sunlit-filled room with books feels like. that�s right, HOT. hot is an understatement. it is dry heat, so i can tolerate it, but the air is still. the air doesn�t move. not a breeze in sight. after an hour of transcribing, my head literally starts to nod, despite the new turkish pop cd i brought back from istanbul that i am listening to. not helping. at all.

i just had a cup of coffee from the drippy coffee machine, a �cappucino�, which, from the taste, is a weakly brewed cup of coffee with weird foaming milk powder and maybe chocolate flavor as well? not clear, but it tasted surprisingly good despite the questionable ingredients.

back to the drawing board, back to typing, back to singing sibel can (headphones are such a great invention).... more during my next head-lolling moment.

dandlioneyes at 1:19 pm

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