17 August 2004


well, it seems as if i haven't written in a while. busy busy me. which is only sort-of true, but at least it feels that way. wrapping up, slowly slowly. the living room is now couchless, because my friend loewenzahn took it today. i went to frankfurt yesterday to interview the daughter of the guy i am writing my dissertation on. spent the day in frankfurt. have been having crazy dreams including walking through a crowd of nazgul/dementors that did suck the happiness out of me, including having to set fire to a building (which had to be destroyed) then having to run inside and open all the windows while it was still burning, including staying in a dorm in which the suite next door was used to store dead bodies. i mean, really, really heavy sort-of dreams, which have not been making me happy.... anxiety, anyone? weird.

anyways, time is a-ticking, and i have only 2 more weeks left here (!)

later gaters.

dandlioneyes at 12:35 pm

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