19 August 2004

time is going backwards

i haven't much had the drive to write recently, though i would have had some nice anecdotes to write about (my conversation with a 40-something accordeonist from romania named peter, for example, or the nice visit that loewenzahn paid me). but no, i haven't had much of any sort of energy, to write, or, for that matter, to do anything.

time seems to be going backwards, actually. today in a week my hubby will be here, and we'll spend the last week in g�ttingen together. but the way time has been dripping by, i just imagine waking up tomorrow, and that it is today again. as in groundhog day. that, at least, is what it feels like to me....

otherwise, not much to report. i fluctuate between wanting to move so badly, and already missing g�ttingen like crazy. who knows where we'll end up, anyways, but i will miss it here....

dandlioneyes at 5:12 pm

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