23 August 2004


last week in the archives begins, it is cold (outside, pleasant inside), and i�m dreadfully tired. i can hardly believe that the year is over - though i have been counting towards it, obviously. how strange. i am ridiculously tired, and just want to be in my new apartment in palo alto. that�s all i want - is that too much to ask?

had a weird dream last night. i dreamt that the nachmieter (the next tennants of my apartment) had brought some of their stuff (which they did, yesterday, in real life) to store ahead of time. i decided to be so friendly, and let them put some of their bags in my living room (real life, again), because she is moving here from china and has no room to store things. anyways, (in the dream now), they left their stuff, and went away, and then, 2 hours later, came into the apart with their own key and were bringing in more stuff. i had just showered and was in my bathrobe, and was livid that they a) had decided to bring more (i felt as if they were taking advantage of me), and b) that they came in without my asking. it wasn�t a fun dream. i woke up quite mad....

more later, gaters.

n.b.: i am frustrated by the personel working here in the archives. the guy who helped me at the beginning has become obnoxious; i�m sick and tired of how rule-bound these people are. i�ve been here on and off for 8 months, and, quite frankly, i think we should know each other�s NAMES by now. the guy who originally helped me, feels the need to comment on how much or how little work i am getting done. as in: mrs. dandlioneyes, really, are you done already today? and you are leaving this big stack of stuff here? for tomorrow? tsk tsk tsk, really? drives me f*ing nuts. it really, really does. so my new philosophy has been: to hang out until their shift is over. if i don�t like the people. to wait. to work. to write dland entries offline. so that i don�t have to deal with those interactions. because, quite frankly, shouldn�t i know what is or isn�t enough? thank you. i think so. i really do. not that they are unfriendly, just beaurocratic, just people who take the rule as it is, and won�t bend it (don�t get me started on xeroxing rules)... and i�m sorry, there are rules to follow, and rules to bend. quite frankly.

i think it will be a test of will, a test of perseverance: my laptop batteries or herr. x�s shift. who will win? only time (and battery power) can tell.

dandlioneyes at 3:07 pm

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