24 August 2004


what is it like to live with your partner, your love? not to commute transnationally? not to be separated for years and years and years by distance: a continent, a continent and an ocean, to be connected by telephone calls, instant messaging, emails, letters? to wake up next to each other every morning and not dread that, two days later, one would be alone again, the partner on a plane (or sitting in an empty apartment)? i can�t even begin to imagine. we lived together in the dorms - saw each other every day for a year and a half, barring holidays. then two years apart, and then 15 months together in a great little apartment in newark (where this diary started). then another two years apart. now the commuting is almost over, and i�m excited, nervous, wanting it be here: the living together. i have no patience, i want it here, now. now. i want to be sitting on the plane heading back to california. i love g�ttingen, i fell in love with this little town, bit by bit, cafe by cafe, restaurant by restaurant, cobble stone by cobble stone, but i can�t tolerate this anymore. i can�t tolerate the separation, the longing. ALMOST OVER! woohoo!

dandlioneyes at 4:08 pm

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