27 August 2004

no more transatlantic commuting, nosireeebob!

[written yesterday]

sitting on the ICE, less than 2 hours away from the reunion with my sweetie. the separation is almost - almost over! by the time i post it, it WILL be over, which i find absolutely incredible. astounding, wonderful. i couldn�t sleep last night i was so excited. at all. i�ve been a walking zombie all day i�m so tired, and all i can do is thinking about hugging and kissing (!) my sweetie. so happy.

i worked in the archives today in berlin, and found a LOT. at the end i couldn�t order enough copies, i ran out of time, but i think i at least have a small impression of what is there. which is good. which makes me happy.

la la la la la la la. 1 hour 40 minutes left!

[written today]:


dandlioneyes at 10:29 am

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