08 September 2004

back in the U.S. of A.

you know, one doesn't write for a few days - a week - and then it is amazingly hard to start up again.

i have much to write and no energy, because the hot california sun (heat wave) has sucked most of my energy away from me...

a) we flew business class back. lucked out. got bumped up. 12 hours in business class is infinitely better than 12 hours coach.

b) we painted our apartment. which has a yard. which has grapes and figs in it. and a barren avocado, but an avocado nevertheless. did i mention a hammock? and a little grey and white cat that comes by for food every night?

c) our apartment is tiny tiny tiny but very cozy. and we are becoming the kings and queens of downsizing and storage solutions.

d) our bed has not yet shipped. so we have been camping the past week. the floor is getting very hard. harder by the day.

e) i have amazing culture shock. i'm surprised by it, really, because the things that shock me are mundane and banale, but still: shocking. the size of everything. the way toilet-stall doors don't close. the quality of the toilet paper. etc. etc.

f) i got a st*nf*rd ID card, which is and will forever remain bizarre. but it means i can check out books. go me!

i'd write more, but my brain is exhausted, fried from the heat....

later gaters!

dandlioneyes at 9:21 pm

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