10 September 2004

swing of things

i am having an exceedingly difficult time getting back into the swing of things, where "the swing of things" means: starting the dissertation. doing academic work. i'm basking in the glow that is california, and though that glow has been a bit too hot recently, and a bit disorienting (size of stores? size of foods? number of cars? consumerism to the nth degree?), i'm enjoying the quiet. i'm enjoying the homey life i have. we planted flowers and hung them up on the wall by our stairs (teal blue wall, and bright flowers: looks gorgeous). we eat outside. i enjoy laying in my hammock outside. the yard is so quiet and so private.

a few funny things: a block away on the main street is a used ("previously owned") car dealership, and every once in a while we hear, over the PA system, "roberto, roberto to lot one. roberto, roberto to lot one, please". or "car number 135 to the front, please". cracks me up.

we still are camping on our floor, but the mattress will be delivered on monday. the bed soon afterwards. it is our first furniture purchase that is NOT a "previously owned" item, or one that was donated to us. something we bought together. i'm not counting the swedish build-it-yourself furniture that we've bought, and that we've sold (germany, philly). so i'm excited about that - it feels like a massive investment, though (beds are expensive!) - and i guess we'll have it most of our life, if things go well.

anywho, i need to try to work. later gaters!

dandlioneyes at 10:48 am

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