13 September 2004

all anxious and stuff

i'm all anxious, from head to toe. it has been that way for days, and i know part of it is the fact that i have no idea how to "start" my dissertation. how to start writing it. i mean, i wrote a paragraph a month ago and called that a start to take away from my anxiety. HOWEVER, it hasn't done an ounce of good. i look at my outline and want to puke.

there are other reasons that i am anxious, including my upcoming trip home. and i don't like living in disorder (we have boxes galore just hanging out in the garage waiting to be tackled). stuff of that ilk.

on a totally different note we purchased bikes yesterday. and the various acoutrements that go with bikes. which ended up costing us a fortunute. and went on a six mile ride. my legs feel like jello today. it was a lot of fun, but man must i be out of shape. more so than i thought....

later gaters.

dandlioneyes at 10:31 am

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