13 September 2004

mattresses and bikes

not sure what has gotten into us, but we biked again today. yesterday we saw pelicans and egrets. today we came by powerlines and more tidewater/marshlands. paved road, which was nicer to bike on than the gravel, but yesterday was SO much prettier! i like the exhaustion i feel after working out. a lot.

they delivered our mattress today, BUT they delivered the wrong one. no pickup scheduled yet, and no redelivery. so the dilemma/moral question of the day is: can we sleep on it? will they give it to someone else? we haven't removed that tag - the one you are supposed to remove only when you own it - though we have taken it out of the plastic wrap....

since our bedroom is so small, it ( a king-sized mattress instead of a queen-sized mattress) fills up most of the floorspace in the room... and i don't want to camp out in the livingroom....

later gaters!

dandlioneyes at 9:23 pm

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