04 October 2004

searching for a ghost-writer

i'm auditioning for a ghost-writer for my dissertation. leave me a note if interested. i expect a lot of responses. please understand that i will not pick on a first come, first serve basis, but rather based on your excellent qualifications. have three letters of recommendation posted to by notes section. remember, you won't get credit (the dissertation will be in my name, of course), but deep down inside you'll know that you wrote it.
you need to be smart, have copious free time, preferably speak german and know a lot about the history of folkloristics in germany (though this isn't entirely necessary, since no one will actually read the dissertation), like writing, don't want pay (rationalize this however you want: good karma, philanthropy, whatever), and can get the job done in 6 months or less. oh, and you should be able to tolerate a lot of critique, since i'll probably take a red pen to your writing. please respond with a "of course i'll fix it right away dandlioneyes" and a plate of home-baked cookies (i prefer white-chocolate macadamia). if you, on the side, can clean apartments and do yard work, that would be a bonus.
i'll let everyone know once i've chosen someone for the job! who knows - it could be YOU!

dandlioneyes at 10:05 am

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