08 October 2004

bugs: love 'em or leave 'em.

i have picked up a bug. i don't know where. i suspect it was at the doctor's office where a ton of individuals - it must have been 5,000 people - were all hacking and sneezing and coughing. i hate that. i get paranoid about the germs in a really ugly way.
actually, no. there was one sneezing kid and i sat on the other side of the room. no idea where i got this bug from, but it involves a woozy head and low energy and a developing sore throat. so i'm drinking heisse-zitronen (hot lemons, as they call it in germany); squozen lemon juice and boiling water and honey. believe me, if i can't taste of feel much of anything, that acidity in the lemons is so high that even through phlegm and dead taste-buds i can taste that.
so i've been puttering. but actually not unproductively.
later gaters!

dandlioneyes at 1:15 pm

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