08 October 2004

selling out

[previous entry about entymology - sort of]
is this normal? i can write a few paragraphs here, a few paragraphs there, but don't have a cohesive picture. i worked a bit on chapter 3 today (bibliography stuff, mostly, as well as getting some definitions straight), and now i am back to the introduction for a bit more there. it feels so piecemeal. i'm not enjoying it right now. in fact, i actually looked at job p ostings today (sell-out jobs at big consulting companies)... no, they aren't sell-out jobs. they are normal. they like freshly minted phds. we'll see. it is just all such a nightmare, not knowing where we'll be going....
that, and that bug thing... is there anything equivalent to RAID for, say, a head-cold?

dandlioneyes at 2:27 pm

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